Tuesday, June 16, 2020



Aku suka pokok. Takde la green thumb,tapi aku rasa sejuk je mata tengok pokok2 ni. Jadi aku suka la melayan nursery dengan mak.

So tadi pergi 2 nursery, dekat dengan pasar borong Selangor and Bukit jalil. Yang Bukit jalil Tu first pergi. Harga dia ya rabbi.🙈

So aku dari dulu suka tengok succulents ni. Tapi mak cakap hidup tak lama. Jadi aku pon tak nak la bela dia. Tapi comel la hai.

Tapi macam biasa la,aku tak beli pon succulents ni, lagipun aku tak study lagi macam mana nak bela depa ni.

Jadi apa yang aku beli?
Aku beli pokok serai wangi.
Sebab kalau lalu kat Sunway pyramid tingkat atas tu,aku tak ingat la kedai apa. 
Depa suka buh diffuser flavour serai wangi ni.
Tapi aku rasa tak berbaloi la nak beli sebab mahal aaaaahh.

Jadi kita bela pokok ni,rebus bagi naik bau dia. Pastu minum.🙈

He he

Idok le minum...
Just ambik bau je. Sepokok harga RM 10.90.
Boleh la kan.

Aku suka tanam pokok ulam,tapi semua nya mesti sakit dan K.O.

Frust gak la,tanam pegaga,kesum,ulam raja, semuanya K.O. pokok kesum dah 4 ke 5 Kali tanam,stress aku. Jadi hajat nak tanam Bayam Brazil Tu,Kita simpan la dulu ya.

Okey lah. 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Panjat tebing


bertahun rasa tak menaip kt sini.

tahun yang menarik.

satu suku tahun terperap dalam rumah.

stamina berkurang. selalu naik turun tangga sekolah sekarang, seminggu sekali je main tangga.

sekarang dah start boleh buat aktiviti luar sikit2, rindu nak memanjat.

Internet macam siput sedut, banyak benda terbantut sebab ni.

excited nk pergi panjat tebing kt eco city. the thing is, kena buat booking.

Since takde kerja untuk july ni, marilah kita pergi serbu hari biasa...

Buat sementara waktu takde kerja ni, marilah kita bersama sama bermain dengan software.


Wednesday, April 17, 2019



i got nothing interesting to share.


im sharing my feelings.

semua orang nak jadi yang terbaik,kan?

so aku cuba more greens,kurangkan carbs.

jadi bila orang nampak aku makan, dia kata kau nak jadi lembu ke. Eh, cantik mulut kau.

aku dan mood swing tiada berpisah. Jadi sesekali tu sepi la kan, dah yang rapat pon jauh.

suka hati hampa la, aku hidup pon tak lama, bumi pon makin tua.

kau negatif, pergi jauh.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Hiking in Kota Damansara, Selangor.


If you are living in Klang valley, and not willing to drive early in the morning to hike, then come here to Seksyen 10, Kota Damansara. Its good if you want to trail running to, its not too steep, and its normally take about 1 hour 15 minutes. I prefer when the Adnan's family adopted the Denai Tiga Puteri, they just maintained the place.Now they upgraded few places, making the stairs,no ropes, they flattened few spot. I dont feel like hiking anymore. I dont know, maybe the others prefer it that way. I didnt take any photos on my way up, because, I'm not that kind of person, i like to chase the time. The fastest we did was 1 hour, some did 45 minutes(damn their fast!).

Oh they have few routes, so, here's the map.
Image result for kota damansara community forest trail map
Taken from Google

Oh, you will see NKVE Highway!
Please try hike here, its a nice forest. And Keep it clean!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

White Water Rafting in Kuala Kubu Baru, Selangor

Hey all,

Have you tried water rafting before? You really should try it! Thank you to our organizer Projek Outdoor(you can find them in Instagram, Facebook and Twitter), with the price of RM180 per pax,3 hours in the river, its totally worth it!

We actually planned going to Ulu Slim, Perak...but LUCKY us, they release the water from the dam and they ask us to come to KKB. Damn nervous because we know the water will be high and strong current.I dont know how to describe, just look at the photos and videos!

After briefing

waterfall check point

paddle high-5!

final rapid

Alhamdulillah, we all survived. and most important thing is we all enjoyed it!


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Bukit Tabur


Know your limits.

Kau kena tau, apa passion kau dan kau rasa kau mampu buat tak. Jangan sebab someone yang kau kenal boleh buat benda tu, maka kau boleh buat. Macam aku, aku tak boleh nak lari, menari, senamrobik, zumba bagai. aku tak boleh dan tak minat. Jadi bila kawan aku buat benda2 tu, aku takde rasa nak ikut or "berlawan", faham tak?

Aku baru sedar, aku suka nature, sejuk ja mata, hati otak ni bila tengok nature. contoh, hutan, sungai, langit. Alhamdulillah, ada kawan yang melayan hiking. Kitorang dah lama teringin nak panjat bukit Tabur, tapi bila tengok ramai yang cedera/mati sebab terjatuh, maka kami pon postpone. Sampai lah Bukit tabur officially tutup. So, last year, we went to 2 entrance, but, there's yellow tape. Jadi, kecewa, hampa...

Last weekend, ada colleague yang tau aku suka benda panjat2 ni, bgtau nk panjat tabur. Dengan tak malu nya aku cakap nak join. And we went, baru aku faham, when they said, its not safe, and one wrong step u can easily hurt yourself or worst case, u die. No pictures taken due to my safety, until at the top of Bukit Tabur East. Thanks to our friend who guided us and remind of our safety.

So here are the pictures,

Please dont hike if you never hike before. I am serious when I said its not safe. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018



So, baru ni ada nampak sign kt shah alam, Camp5 is now in Utropolis! so close to our place. Jadi kami try bukak website Camp5 Utropolis , cari gambar, harga, kena booking ke tak dan lain2 lah. Pastu kitorang book hari ahad tengah hari. Korang kena sampai awal 20 minit untuk settlekan registration etc. Harga dia menarik, RM35 all in.

all in maksud kt sini,

  • entry fees
  • kelas sejam 
  • sewa kasut  
  • chalk bag
Kelas sejam tu, actually Basic Bouldering Climbing (BBC). Owh, bdw, kt sini cuma ada Bouldering. maksudnya, wall tak tinggi (max 4meters mcm tu), dan xperlu harness bagai. Sesuai untuk sapa2 yang baru nak try dan taknak spend much😛.

Here in Camp5 Utropolis, theres a lot of wall for bouldering. They have...

Flock boulder
Sample Image 2
taken from the site 

Sample Image 2
taken from the site 

Submarine Boulder

Sample Image 2
taken from the site 

Quantum wall

Sample Image 2
taken from the site 

Sample Image 2
taken from the site 

So, the coach make us tried all of the wall, of course aku tak dapat buat semua. kitorang cuma cuba merasa. maybe next time, kita usaha lebih lagi 🙈

Within that 1 hour, coach akan ajar korang cara step, try to practice silent step, how to hold, smearing, traverse, spotting and how to fall. Wall tak tinggi mana, tapi, kalau salah cara jatuh, boleh terseliuh and maybe worse. So, be safe.

Apa aku rasa, aku enjoy, aku nak g tempat ni lagi, teringin nak belajar pelbagai teknik. ku rasa puas memanjat. Jadi, untuk korang yang ada anak bawah 8 tahun, masuk FREE! tapi korang kena ada sama la dengan depa. After 1 hour session with the coach, korang officially member of Camp5, nnt dpt pink tag (boleh bouldering saja kalau g Camp5 One Utama). Maksudnya, korang dah boleh panjat sendiri, takyah coach, tapi kena careful ah. 

sini ada shower room, cafe, lepas lencun memanjat, boleh ar mandi wangi-wangi dan makan kt situ. bawah tu ada restoren korea,dan lain-lain. Oh, and ada mydin tepi escalator, boleh ar shopping skali kt situ barang rumah.

Aku harap, kitorang akan teruskan memanjat !