Maybe I should delete this blog.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Kalau agak2 hidup diri ni miserable sgt,igt2 lah,ramai lg yg kt tmpt lain,negara lain,lg teruk drpd kita.tolongla jgn mengadu kesusahan .itu semua ujian Allah. Walaupun ak x abis study lg,kawan2 ak ramai yang da kerja,da keluar Ford, gaji masyuk.ak sedih,tapi ini ujian aku.apa aku boleh buat? Live with it.ak xde cita2 ke? Huh,orang gila pon ada impian,orang gila pon kalau boleh nak jaga mak ayah depa.ak akan cuba selagi aku ad kudrat nk bekerja.part time,still buat duit.berhenti la mengeluh, Allah dah aturkan semuanya untuk kita.mungkin masa belum sampai.berhentilah merendah diri tahap gaban dgn rakan2,kerana ianya jelik.pesanan ni,adalah untuk diri aku.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
What I has discover
U see, everyone has their own desire.their wants.and most of the time,they don't realise how selfish they are..just to satisfy themself,they don't even think about other people's feeling.yup,I used to be that kind of person.which I'm not proud of.but people always change..its just u denying ur changes.I may not proud of it,but it teaches me to learn something new..well,this is me..
Sunday, November 25, 2012
I met Edward Cullen today
What is the characteristics of Edward Cullen?
-sparkles under the sun
-run fast
-nice hair
thats what people says.not me.
So, I met this guy today. He doesnt have any characteristics listed above but,
He Glows under the Sun.
I dont know, maybe its just me..thinking about breaking dawn part 2..or.....
he really glows..
Thats all from me.
Love you people,Hugs!
Friday, November 23, 2012
eventhough the ratio is 1:1
and when there are man who has heart broken..and promise himself will never be in love with women will reduce the number..and will cause..ANDARTU issues! oh my...well...I always have these kind of conversation with a girl friend. and we always talk about the same thing..why beatiful women mostly not married..maybe that song is true. " pretty girls are crazy" .I dont know.but one thing I am sure,Im not beautiful but still I am crazy.
Till we meet again! hugs.
Monday, November 19, 2012
aku kerja sbb duit
Monday, November 12, 2012
Cerita sempena Deepavali
Membesar in Puchong.
Masih menetap di Puchong.
Tapi org Puchong ni boleh ckp utara ok.
Masa aku skolah rendah, aku agak comel( budak2 semua comel ok ),tapi aku dulu garang,masih garang dalam sesetengah keadaan.siapa ngorat aku,semua aku x layan.sbb mak aku kata,jangan bercinta.
Zaman dulu mana ada enfone lagi..budak2 plak tu..jadi medium kami adalah surat..aku tak pernah dapat surat cinta, sampai la,satu hari..ada budak dtg deliver sampul putih kt aku..aku pun bukak..ayat manis la kot..aku x igt dah..pastu ada keychain..waktu tu aku malu,sbb kawan2 aku ada dgn aku dan berkata,budak tu minat kat kau???dgn nada yg sgt annoy.aku pon bodoh layan perasaan marah tu,baling sampai pecah keychain tu..budak tu lelaki india..dan seorg budak yang baik.jadi, bila deepavali ni,aku terigt plak kat dia.haha!
suka hati korg nak bahan aku ke ape. itu adalah salah satu memori yg aku x kan lupa sampai bila2.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
urm, lets promote the company that I'm working with. Advertising for FREE. Well, I'm currently working with a training company. They provide Team motivation and Team leadership program. I went to one program, for RHB call centre located in Bangi, its a one day program and it was AWESOME.
I dont know what to write actually, maybe later I will edit it. For more info's check this out !
Friday, October 5, 2012
im looking for peace
da lama x merepek kan.
asyik drama je post kt sini.
why dont kite share some more interesting and important stories.....urm...but i dont give a damn care on whats going on in our country.everybody knows whats happening and i dont wanna mess my blog with al that....crap. working.THANK GOD I got an office job,its my first.before this,i just works as sales assistant in a few stores.This company is not a big company like ALL MY SUCCESSFUL FRIEND out there is working right now.*like I care*ur not gonna share ur CENTS with me,so what the damn la kan?I still earn, eventhough I cant go on holiday with my friends because I cant afford it, I still breathing right now with all my hands and legs which means I can earn my own money eventhough half a bread is better than nothing.itu pada mata aku.untuk yang dah bersenang lenang kt luar sana,bagusla,sbb kau x pernah merasa susah. what the la kan, aku ad life, aku ad life dan ak ad family.dan aku BAHAGIA. Hidup ni x lama, jadi, bawak-bawak la bertaubat wahai Faezah. mana tahu,balik kerje satg,ap jadi. dah la berblog time kerja.ish3.
I'm working with a consultant company.more on motivation and team leadership company.Its my first experience working in this kind of environment,so,good luck to myself.*I hate that good luck word,am I the only person who hate that word,phrase or whatever it is?*
how's the people here?damn kind.damn good.damn awesome.huh..over kan,i know.WHO CARES.
Monday, September 3, 2012
even mak asked ...
mak knew we were close,
and even mak asked, "its been a while I havent heard about _ _ _"
even mak missed her,what do u think I feel..
Friday, August 31, 2012
kera sumbang
apalah salah kera itu?
sumbang,adakah kera itu tidak straight??
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
people come and go didnt starts as usual 1st syawal years back.
start with reading Yasin.
10am, usually we start to 'beraya' with family,
only tears of joy.
not this year.
this year,
around 10am,
we receive a news from the hospital.
She left us.
this is our Syawal
and we will never forget her.
every 1st syawal
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Berbuka bersama........
after having major headache thinking what should i have for berbuka,
i decided to cook.
who cares what i cooked or how does it tastes?
its just me and the food.
so food,wait for me!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Selamat Menjalani ibadah Puasa
i really am sorry for everything.
i hope u r okay.
may god bless u in every way u do.
thank u.
selamat menjalani ibadah puasa.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Seluar Pertama Ku !
pastu,dok fikir,nak jahit bju kurung kedah,cam susah je..untuk beginner mcm aku,mmg susah la cerita dia. Mak bg cadanga, apa kata jahit seluar tiga suku. aku pon ambek seluar yang sedia ada ni,lukis la atas kain tu.pastu gunting,
Tapi ak x sedar lg,pinggang seluar tu kecik sangat. Aku pon jahit dengan penuh excited nyer.Bila da siap jahit semua ,aku angkat tengok..alamak!mane muat nieh..ak pon gatal gunting,da jd cangkat la seluar aku tuh.agak kelakar la sebenarnya. Ni hasil seluar pertama aku.
Aku xde getah,so pakai ribbon,satu lg kelakar, lubang ribbon tu aku buat sebelah dalam, sengal gak aku ni.
mak cakap,xpe la,cuba buat seluar utk dua budak kecik ni pulak.hari x keje nant aku buat ;)
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Dinner 12th College
maka, ak xtahu la ap masalah mereka antara gambar2 masa g dinner hari tu.
kawan2 sy mmg bukan sy.peace.kbai
Yazid Burger
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Kosmet ku~ |
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Pening nak pilih air ape |
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Pilihan air syazwan mmg terbaik. |
maaf jika gambar yang sama berulang. cuma nak beri gambaran yang lebih jelas.
pergi la belakang Unisel Shah Alam.ada food court kt situ ;)
kedai makan best
pergi sini.pantai dalam.flat sebelah the spehre.nama kedai tu Jasmine Tom Yam.sedap.ramai x yah cter ar.faberet aku adalah, mango blend.rm 3 je.puas hati.serius.mkn tiap kali,mmg share 2 orang.satu pinggan rm 5,bole share 2 org yg confem boleh tarik selimut lpas tuh!
model blakang tu mmg terbaik.hehe.tu mango blend.plg terbaik ar.x menyesal confem.
gambar makanan2 lain,x sempat nak ambek ,sbb x dpt tahan sgt lapar,so,x dpt la ea
pape pon. kedai ni lg best dr Ali Tomyam.